This deal is from a
recent EBU simultaneous pairs.
(2) Support double showing three hearts This is not an easy hand to
bid. North has to decide if the Qx of diamonds qualifies as a
stop. As it happens, it does and 3NT is the top spot.
However the final contract became a very delicate four hearts doubled.
East led the diamond ten to the
king, followed by the diamond ace and a third diamond. Declarer
discarded a club and East ruffed.
At trick four a club was returned to dummy's ace. Then a spade to declarer's ace followed by the heart jack covered by the king and won by dummy's ace. The heart queen was then cashed and declarer could not then prevent the defence from scoring a trump trick for one down. However, declarer missed an
opportunity for a trump coup.
If instead of cashing
the heart queen, a spade is played to the king and the heart
eight is played, this will be covered by the nine and won by the ten in
dummy. Now the club ace is cashed and a spade is ruffed in
hand. Finally the queen of clubs is cashed and a spade discarded
from dummy leaving this position :
When the club ten is played East's trump trick disappears in a trump coup. Thanks to John Roberts for reporting and analysing this deal |